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Nuggets Overview

Connection image


A wise woman knows she’s connected to every being on earth. She feels it in the marrow of her bones. It’s where she draws her power from.

I’m convinced that the main source of our problems – whether they express themselves in disease, depression or a just a vague sense of discontent – is the disconnectedness that comes with being a part of our society. From buying into the stories we are being told and tell ourselves.

That’s why I’m fine with always being a bit of an outsider. It keeps me sane, able to see through the fiction and in touch with the rest of the earth.

How long has it been since you’ve felt true connection to your fellow creatures? Felt like one of them?

A wise woman knows she's connected to every being on earth. She feels it in the marrow of her bones. It's where she draws her power from. I'm convinced that the main source of our problems - whether they express themselves in disease, depression or a just a vague sense of discontent - is the disconnectedness that comes with being a part of our society. From buying into the stories we are being told and tell ourselves. That's why I'm fine with always being a bit of an outsider. It keeps me sane, able to see through the fiction and in touch with the rest of the earth. How long has it been since you've felt true connection to your fellow creatures? Felt like one of them?
Weed pesto recipe image

Weed pesto recipe

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Unlikeable image


There seems to be an implicit agreement that we can talk about things that aren’t okay, as long as we frame it positively. So we can talk about what we humans do to the earth, as long as we put a optimistic spin to it. As long as we say that everything will be all right in the end, so sleep tight.

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There seems to be an implicit agreement that we can talk about things that aren't okay, as long as we frame it positively. So we can talk about what we humans do to the earth, as long as we put a optimistic spin to it. As long as we say that everything will be all right in the end, so sleep tight. To be honest, I have a hard time doing that. When I look around me, I see a lot of things that I don't think are okay... at all. People consuming unscrupulously. It seems to be all about me, me, me and the gimme gimme. And there is no excuse, because anyone who reads newspapers, watches the news, or otherwise keeps his or her eyes even slightly open, knows what's going on. As I write this, I notice that I have the tendency to immediately add: 'Fortunately, there are also people who try to do things differently.' Although that's true, it's also beside the point. It's about The Herd. The people queuing in front of shops selling all the junk we don't need; the people who definitely don't want to know how their pork chops lived and died. Apparently the soft, positive approach doesn't reach them. If I want to be able to say what needs to be said, I have to first accept that people may think I'm unsympathetic because of it. Unlikeable even. For me that's hard. I am a bit of a wimp and actually pretty sweet. That's why I have to give myself permission to be considered unlikeable. Consider it done, Emma. You have my permission to be okay with not everyone liking you. Now please go ahead and say what's on your mind before you go mental...
No image

If you can’t say ‘yes’ wholeheartedly, there’s always ‘no’. ‘No’ is an answer too. In fact, sometimes it’s the only possible answer.

Many of us, especially women, have been taught never to say no. Learning to say no is often an important step towards healing, physically and mentally and spiritually. If you can’t say ‘yes’ wholeheartedly, just say no for a change.

Emma, hagetisse
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Stories image


People love stories. It’s the one quality that sets us apart from other animals, if you ask me, the ability to make up stories. We are capable of creating fiction, concoctions, of air mongering, and so on. In short, we can imagine things that have nothing to do with the truth. We can fantasise.

So far everyone will be able to agree, I’d say. What many people don’t realise is that we also fantasise our daily life. Our whole life, our entire society, is one giant work of fiction.

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Rooks nesting image

Rooks nesting

Animist image


If you insist on putting me into a spiritual box – and that’s something I can do without – then perhaps animist would be the most appropriate label. Everything around me is spirited to me. What’s more, everything around me has just as much right to life as I have. That this is not self-evident for many people is clear from the way we, as a species, treat the earth.

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If you insist on putting me into a spiritual box - and that's something I can do without - then perhaps animist would be the most appropriate label. Everything around me is spirited to me. What's more, everything around me has just as much right to life as I have. That this is not self-evident for many people is clear from the way we, as a species, treat the earth. I only buy things that I really need, preferably second-hand. Everything I eat, drink, use ... I do with care and respect for the lifeform that loses its life for me. I realise that my survival automatically entails other life forms dying. Just like I accept that my existence may end because another life form continues. This realisation is necessary to turn the tide of decline on Earth. As long as homo sapiens acts as if the rest of the earth doesn't matter, it's not going to end well. The fact that nowhere people dare suggest at national level that we should stop consuming just because we can, makes me fear the worst. I know no one wants to hear statements like this, but it has to be said.
Exercising my way image
Rain image


I love the rain … I can see it drench the earth and disappear where it is supposed to be. When it rains after a hot day I can practically hear the plants cheering. Today it sounds more like a satisfied humming.
I get sad when I see that, in many places, the rain is streaming straight into the gutter from the tiles, pavers and asphalt. Did you know that 39.8% of the surface of the average Dutch garden is paved?
Drents-Friese Wold image
Toxic positivity image

Toxic positivity

I’m a pretty positive person. Without a positive and optimistic outlook on life I would never have dived into all those adventures which I’ve had in my life. I know from experience that everything passes and that most challenges, in retrospect, turned out to be blessings in disguise. They always bring me a little further along the path that I’m supposed to walk. I trust that.

That doesn’t mean that life can’t be just downright sucky every now and then. That sometimes you can’t yet see the silver lining when you’re in the midst of shit going down.  And that it can help to talk about your negative emotions when that happens. Negative emotions can be useful too.

Our relationship with nature image

Our relationship with nature

Most of our health problems, be they of a physical, mental or existential nature, are the result of us viewing ourselves as being separate from the earth around as. We’ve chosen this video, made by the BBC in association with Dr. Eleni Dimou, to illustrate what we’re talking about.

To improve our quality of living and sense of well-being we will have not only ‘repair’ every aspect of ourselves, but also reconnect ourselves to nature. That’s the only way in which we will becoming our magical best selves and get to live a fulfilling live.

Most of our health problems, be they of a physical, mental or existential nature, are the result of us viewing ourselves as being separate from the earth around as. We’ve chosen this video, made by the BBC in association with Dr. Eleni Dimou, to illustrate what we’re talking about. To improve our quality of living and sense of well-being we will have not only ‘repair’ every aspect of ourselves, but also reconnect ourselves to nature. That’s the only way in which we will becoming our magical best selves and get to live a fulfilling live.
Earth Woman image
All about energy image

All about energy

Everything is about energy. That is a scientific fact. Both our body and our lifestyle are designed around it. By the way, this doesn’t only apply to humans, but to every living being. Without energy we will die and energy is a scarce commodity. When you let this fact sink in, a lot suddenly makes sense. Like, why it is sometimes difficult to get yourself in motion. After all, exercise costs energy. And on the other hand, why eating too much is often just a bit too easy. After all, food provides you with energy.

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Everything is about energy. That is a scientific fact. Both our body and our lifestyle are designed around it. By the way, this doesn't only apply to humans, but to every living being. Without energy we will die and energy is a scarce commodity. When you let this fact sink in, a lot suddenly makes sense. Like, why it is sometimes difficult to get yourself in motion. After all, exercise costs energy. And on the other hand, why eating too much is often just a bit too easy. After all, food provides you with energy. That explains as well why a sense of purpose is perhaps the most important motivation for living beings. If we don't feel that our goals make sense, it's hard to get ourselves moving. This goes for very profane goals, such as finding food when you are hungry, to very grand purposes, like building the wells in Africa. We have to see the meaning of something ourselves. Otherwise nothing will happen. This also means that, if you do not fully support your goal, it will be difficult for you to achieve that purpose. I am, of course, not talking about goals that you CANNOT achieve because you lack essential characteristics. Like, flapping your arms up and down and flying away is not an option. You don't have wings. But most goals you can actually reach if you want to badly enough. Understanding ourselves and understanding where we come from and from which circumstances is essential for anyone who craves well-being. For me, addressing this issue is essential to the healing process....
Avoid being burned at the stake image

Avoid being burned at the stake

Have you considered volunteering for a pagan leadership position, but are afraid of being burned at the stake? This article offers you a guide to the community’s expectations, both explicit and implied, with a fool-proof method to make all the pagans happy, all of the time.


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