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Thyme - thymus vulgaris - stem and leaves. CC BY-SA 3.0,

Thyme, common, Thymus vulgaris L.

Some herbs are well-known because they appear in every spice rack. Common thyme, Thymus vulgaris, is one of them. Originally, mostly people from the countries around the Mediterranean Sea used this plant in their cuisine, but it is a commonly used kitchen herb nowadays. However, fewer people know that thyme is also an immensely powerful medicinal and magical herb.

Healing properties of thyme, Thymus vulgaris

Thyme’s best-known medicinal effect must be that on the airways, on both the upper and lower respiratory tract. This particular property is so broad and powerful that many herbalists consider thyme to be their preferred partner against this type of disease. However, this plant strongly aids digestion as well. It is not surprising that we seem to be subconsciously drawn to thyme and use it in our food regularly.
These two applications, respiratory and digestive, are just the tip of the iceberg. In this monograph you will encounter more than sixty ailments that thyme can help you with.

Magical effects of this fragrant plant

Magically, thyme is often used in sympathetic medicine. In addition, we can employ its repellent and purifying properties which have a wide application range. If you need protection in general or more specifically against material misfortune, reach out to this plant. It can also assist you while divining.

Botanical description Common thyme, Thymus vulgaris L.

Thyme has a dense root ball consisting of thin roots. The lower part of the central branch is lignified and looks like a small trunk from which the stems grow, partly laterally, with small ascending branches, which is why the plant runs somewhat. Every year the old stems lignify and will have new upward branches growing out of them.
The stems are strongly branched and have decussate, lanceolate, green leaves up to 1.5 cm long with a deep midrib. The leaves are aromatic, slightly leathery and revolute at the edges. These leaves are the part of the plant we use in cooking.
The tiny flowers are abundantly present and grow in racemes from the leaf axils of the upper leaves. The flowers themselves are white, pink, or lilac tubular florets with a three-lobed upper lip and two-lobed lower lip and four stamens. Like many other types of thyme, they produce a lot of nectar, which is why bees love them. The schizocarp that comes after flowering is quadrilocular and produces four brown, oval seeds.

Interesting facts

For magical uses, common thyme and wild thyme can be used interchangeably. Medicinally, common thyme is stronger than wild thyme, but Spanish thyme (Thymus zygis) is just as useful from a medicinal perspective.
You can use thyme to repel insects. Nebulise or spray it wherever you want to get rid of them.
Traditionally, thyme was considered a sacred plant and was often offered in temples of goddesses particularly, either in the form of an incense offering or in the form of a wreath.
Thyme is used to embalm corpses.
You can use thyme to stop a fermentation process.

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Thyme, common, Thymus vulgaris L. image