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A wise woman knows she’s connected to every being on earth. She feels it in the marrow of her bones. It’s where she draws her power from.

I’m convinced that the main source of our problems – whether they express themselves in disease, depression or a just a vague sense of discontent – is the disconnectedness that comes with being a part of our society. From buying into the stories we are being told and tell ourselves.

That’s why I’m fine with always being a bit of an outsider. It keeps me sane, able to see through the fiction and in touch with the rest of the earth.

How long has it been since you’ve felt true connection to your fellow creatures? Felt like one of them?

Crow fledgling image

Crow fledgling

Meet our guest for the last two days. This fledgling crow was in our care while waiting to be placed into a bird sanctuary.

He was found sitting on the ground near our field. Normally that wouldn’t have been cause for alarm. Crows, more often than not, leave the nest before they can fly. Their parents will keep feeding them on the ground until they’re ready to do it all on their own.

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Easy and effective of medicinal herbs part 2: hot and cold infusions

In part 1 of this series I talked about how the most effective way to use medicinal herbs is the simplest. And that we can do this ourselves without any…

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Easy and effective use of medicinal herbs part 3: decoctions

In the previous parts of this series, we talked about using medicinal herbs easy and effectively with water. We discussed why this is still one of the most important ways…

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Easy and effective use of medicinal herbs: infusions and decoctions

People often seem to think that the more complicated it is to get something, the more valuable it must be. This certainly doesn’t apply to the medicinal effect of herbs.…

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Exercising my way image

Ferns: medicinal, magical, edible and… beautiful

I really enjoy the seas of ferns which you’ll find in forests in temperate climates like ours. Ireland was even more covered in them; forest over there would contain a…

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Get rid of pros and cons lists, use your intuition to make decisions

Do you recognise this? You have to make a decision and you've been staring at a list of pros and cons for hours.The lists are actually quite clear: you should…

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Good intentions for the new year

I've seen plenty of them come and go around the new year: good intentions. By the time the first signs of spring emerge, they’ve often been thrown out of the…

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How clocks disturb our biorhythm; why we should get rid of daylight saving time

Last weekend it was that time again: daylight saving time started. For me it’s always a moment to be amazed by what people do to themselves. There are quite a…

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How clocks disturb our biorhythm; why we should get rid of daylight saving time image