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Making a medicinal herbal oil using fresh plants

Today we are going to make a medicinal herbal oil using fresh plants. Earlier we discussed the easier way of making medicinal oil, which employs dried plants. But sometimes an…
Making a medicinal herbal oil using fresh plants

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Many parts make up more than a whole: the magic of holism

On this website you will come across the word holistic as a way of looking at life in general and humans in particular. But what is holistic? Webster defines it…
Many parts make up more than a whole: the magic of holism

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No image

If you can’t say ‘yes’ wholeheartedly, there’s always ‘no’. ‘No’ is an answer too. In fact, sometimes it’s the only possible answer.

Many of us, especially women, have been taught never to say no. Learning to say no is often an important step towards healing, physically and mentally and spiritually. If you can’t say ‘yes’ wholeheartedly, just say no for a change.

Emma, hagetisse

Shadow work: processing trauma to secure a sense of safety

Safety is the top priority for every living being. For humans, this is no different from other species. A human child is extremely vulnerable and, therefore, safety plays a crucial…

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Should you use naturopathy, aka alternative or natural medicine, or conventional medicine?

I’m a practitioner of naturopathy, which is also referred to as natural medicine or alternative medicine. The latter is an odd name if you ask me, because naturopathy has been…

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Stillness image


Wow, that was quite a rollercoaster, this past Yuletide and a bit longer than that as well.

Shortly after asking you about your ideal place to live (thanks for the many inspiring responses!), I fell quite ill. Additionally, my dearest companion, Chelik, deteriorated rapidly. He was already an old man, but still… I never left his side and tried everything to help him. Towards the end as well, when helping meant being there for him continuously, to ensure his transition would be as peaceful as possible.

Meanwhile, I feel better, although I am still rather tired. I just give into that and everything else at play. Over the years, I’ve learned that during tough times, it works well for me to come to a bit of a standstill. To let whatever needs to be there be there without resisting it.

That doesn’t mean I do nothing. I write, read and walk a lot. I handle the necessary ongoing matters. I spend time with my family members but also a lot of time alone. Just sitting or hanging around or staring into space. But I do avoid doing anything that could have significant future consequences. Now is not the time for that. That time will come again, of course. I’ll feel it when it does.

What helps you get through the tougher times?

The best herbs for naturally strong and shiny hair and a healthy scalp

Due to all kinds of events in my life, my hair has endured some blows. It probably is the same for mAt my age, perimenopause also has its effects. In…

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The foundation of a healthy life, part 1: introduction

As a hagetisse I receive many people who have problems with their health. It often concerns chronic diseases for which those who seek me out have not found an adequate…

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The foundation of a healthy life, part 10: how do you stick to your life choices?

In part 10 of The foundation of a healthy life series we are going to talk about sticking to life choices. The secret of staying true to yourself and your…

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The foundation of a healthy life, part 11: conclusion and an important end note

So far in this series on how to life a healthy life we've talked about nutrition, medicine, exercise and making sure your life suits you. Of course, this is not…

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