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my spiritual views

About death: a wise woman’s thoughts on this life’s end

Today, as on every day, several people are nearing what we call death. Some of them being in my direct environment, my thoughts linger on this fact a bit more…
About death: a wise woman’s thoughts on this life’s end

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About sacrifice: balance between giving and taking in a magical practice

I regularly get questions about sacrifices and the act of sacrificing in my magical practice. Most queries seem to be about sacrifices of the more outrageous type. I get that.…
About sacrifice: balance between giving and taking in a magical practice

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Animist image


If you insist on putting me into a spiritual box – and that’s something I can do without – then perhaps animist would be the most appropriate label. Everything around me is spirited to me. What’s more, everything around me has just as much right to life as I have. That this is not self-evident for many people is clear from the way we, as a species, treat the earth.

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Being a part of Wyrd itself

As those who have been walking with me probably know, I am a wyrd walker. I have written plenty about wyrd and its working on my website, especially about wyrd…

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Connection image


A wise woman knows she’s connected to every being on earth. She feels it in the marrow of her bones. It’s where she draws her power from.

I’m convinced that the main source of our problems – whether they express themselves in disease, depression or a just a vague sense of discontent – is the disconnectedness that comes with being a part of our society. From buying into the stories we are being told and tell ourselves.

That’s why I’m fine with always being a bit of an outsider. It keeps me sane, able to see through the fiction and in touch with the rest of the earth.

How long has it been since you’ve felt true connection to your fellow creatures? Felt like one of them?

Everywhere I go, there I am image

Everywhere I go, there I am

The stories we tell ourselves and hold ourselves captive with

People love stories. It's the one quality that sets us apart from other animals, if you ask me: the ability to make up stories. We are capable of creating fiction,…

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What’s in the stars for the Hagetisse in 2024

As February eagerly approaches, I’m slowly emerging from my winter slumber. Not that I haven't been doing anything during those darkest winter months; I've deliberately taken it easy and dedicated…

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Why Easter is an excellent weekend to discuss the position of women

As I write this, we are in the midst of the Easter weekend. During this weekend, a large part of society here in the Netherlands commemorates the time when Jesus…

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Why Easter is an excellent weekend to discuss the position of women image